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Upcoming events


14. – 15.07.23
Lecture hall at Kunsthochschule Kassel

Tag der Architektur

The TRACES Research Station has been nominated for the Hessian State Prize for Architecture. On Architecture Day on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25, the building will be open. Those involved in the construction will give tours of the building and be available to answer questions.

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

08.02.23, 18:00
Discussion with the artist Mischa Kuball

Kunsthochschule Kassel, Hörsaal, Menzelstr. 13-15

07.02.23, 19:00
Lecture by Michelle Elligott, Chief of Archives, Library and Research Collections, The Museum of Modern Art, N.Y.

As part of TRACES, the Documenta Institute and the FG EuG Design and Building Theory invite you to a lecture by Michelle Elligott on the Art of Installation by the pioneering MoMA director René d'Harnoncourt (1949-68), who was one of the most influential personalities in terms of exhibition design and innovative curatorial approaches.

Lecture in English 
ASL Neubau, Universitätspl. 9, 34127 Kassel, R0105

08.10. – 17.10.22, 16:00 – 20:00 Uhr

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

01.10. – 05.10.22, 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

Gespräche zur Gegenwartskunst

[POISONED RELATIONS Talks on Contemporary Art]

May — September 2022

Art that aims at the present inevitably has to do with the sometimes rather poisoned relations of art, politics, and society. Against this background, the talks explore the early entanglements of documenta, but they also pose the question of how contemporary art positions itself in today's world of global conflict. What can and should art do in the face of pandemic and war?

Public discussion series in German language (unless otherwise indicated)

Organizer: documenta Institut and TRACES

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel


21. September 18:00
Buchvorstellung und Gespräch mit Dr. Paul Buckermann, Nanne Buurman und Prof. Dr. Felix Vogel

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

15. – 20. September 2022, 12:00 – 20:00

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

2. – 4. September 2022

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

22.–29. August 2022
daily 16:00–20:00
Cultural scientist Mirl Redmann as guest at the TRACES research station

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

25. July 2022, 18:00
Barbara Lutz in discussion with Felix Vogel

Cultural historian Dr. Barbara Lutz (Berlin/Kassel) presents her recently published book "Transkulturelle Ausstellungspraxis - Kuratieren in globalen Zusammenhängen. A praxeological analysis of documenta 12". In the subsequent conversation, she will discuss with Prof. Dr. Felix Vogel (University of Kassel, documenta Institute) the resulting implications for the study of large-scale exhibitions as well as for their production and mediation practices.

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

16 – 17 July 2022

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

15 July 2022, 18:00
Panel discussion

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

14 July 2022, 19:00 

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

13 – 14 July 2022, 10:00 –18:00

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

09 July 2022, 14:00 – 18:00

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access via Mauerstraße 13), 34117 Kassel

Documenta Urbana: Sichtbar machen - Summer School
[Documenta Urbana: Making Visible]

15. – 19. June 2022
The Summer School Documenta Urbana: Making Visible originates from a 1982 project of the same name by sociologist, artist, and university lecturer Lucius Burckhardt.

Further information on the program

Otti Berger & Ludwig Hilberseimer – am Horizont
[Otti Berger & Ludwig Hilberseimer - on the horizon]

19. – 22. May 2022
Exhibition and events

traces research station, Lutherplatz (access next to Mauerstraße 11), 34117 Kassel, Germany.

The exhibition on the horizon approaches the life and work of textile designer Otti Berger and architect Ludwig Hilberseimerin a variety of ways.
The background of the exhibition is the cooperation of Baranja Alternativa (Knezevi Vinogradi, Croatia) with the University of Kassel in the planned construction of the cultural and educational center in the birthplace of Otti Berger in Zmajevac-Croatia which is to be realized in the near future.

Complete program

Wörterbuch des Ausstellens [Dictionary of exhibiting]

November 2021 - February 2022
The traces research station at Lutherplatz in Kassel opened on November 3, 2021 with the first event series Dictionary of Exhibiting. The series of public conversations explored discourses, practices, and fields of action of exhibitions as sites of knowledge production.

Recordings of all talks can be found here.

Projekt 1

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Upcoming events
